If you are reading this post, I sincerely hope that it was because you clicked on the link from my Instagram story.
Otherwise, nice to meet you.
I'm Peggy. This is my personal space where I share my thoughts and feelings and opinions and memories and everything under the sun.
I made a pledge to myself to update regularly.
Jun 2022 was the last time I updated this blog.
-insert horror movie sound effect-
So much so for me wanting to document my life and keeping track of all the moments I've been through with people I love and care for.
But I guess it's not too late to start again?
Writing has always been my way of escaping the reality and really sit with my thoughts to enjoy time alone.
Not many people understands why I need this solitude.
I guess it has been a muscle that I have been building since young and it was further boosted when I had to travel alone for work.
Speaking of which, should I do a series of recap on my young and wild (but actually quite boring life) when I was working in Japan?
That would be a really nice walk down the memory lane.
Let me know in the comments?
I promise I will be back to update part one of my life in Japan.
Back to what happened today.
I didn't realised it until I realised it.
I was finally able to proudly, confidently and happily walk around in Jewel in a sleeveless top.
Given the Peggy 10 years ago, she would have put on a jacket regardless how hot the weather was to hide away her big fat arms.
Because it just plain... unsightly.
Which explains why I could count with my fingers the number of sleeveless tops I have in my wardrobe.
I've never liked how my arms looked when I stared at myself blank in the mirror. And I thought that there's no way in my entire life that I would be able to get rid of it.
Joke's on me.
You see, I was never the person to chase for fat loss.
When I started drinking ketones, all I desperately wanted was the energy and focus.
So when I started drinking, I was paying attention to how my body was shrinking.
All I knew was everyone around me was telling me I should stop shrinking.
Until one fine day right on the Eve of Chinese New Yesr in 2021, I was (again) desperately trying to find decent CNY fit because work got the better of me and I didn't had time to shop.
As I confidently walked into the fitting room with my usual size, what shocked me was something I never imagine would happen to me.
10cm off my waist.
Yes. A friggin one zero cm off my thick fat waist.
How? I know it's definitely thanks to ketones.
Was it fast? Nope.
All these happened one year after I was on ketones.
And for me to be able to go around wearing a sleeveless tee?
It took me 2 years of patience and consistency and adjustment to be able to get to where I am today.
My point is... there's no easy way out.
And the only way out is for you to convince yourself and motivate yourself.
Don't get me started on the amount of self talk I had to do before I could step out of the house.
It was an AGM that needed voting.
So to all my ladies out there, make your own choice.
You can either sit and continue to talk down to yourself or you can choose to cheer and scour age yourself for every little step you take.
Because we all deserve to be beautiful. We truly do ❤️